Lawn Care Google Ads

We Turn On The Leads Faucet and Let the Jobs Pour In

Many lawn care companies try Google Ads only to get frustrated with the time and cost involved. While PPC advertising can be expensive, when ads are optimized from day one you will discover that they are one of the most cost-effective and profitable marketing tools in the industry.

Over the years we have perfected our pay per click campaigns. We know exactly which keywords to use, which ad copy works best, and what the landing pages need to look like. Our highly targeted search campaigns will get you more jobs from day one, and at the lowest cost possible.

We Offer a Comprehensive PPC Management Service That Few Other Agencies Could Match

  • Tried and tested Google Ads optimized for maximum ROI.
  • Detailed analytics and conversion tracking for full transparency.
  • Call recording for lead quality control, and call answer rate control.
  • Click Fraud Protection. We block your competitors from seeing your ads.
  • Automated SMS follow ups, and contact form to call connect.
  • Cross platform advertising. We use Google and Bing ads for maximum exposure.
  • Permanent management and optimization keep the ads working like a well oiled machine.
  • Monthly reporting to give you a bird’s eye view of the performance and ROI.

Google Ads Certified Partner

Microsoft Ads

(formerly Bing) Certified Partner

Profitable Google Ads

Require Strategic Planning

We provide expert Pay Per Click marketing services to lawn care companies looking to increase the number of jobs they do each month. We are looking to help lawn care business owners to build a successful business by growing their monthly income using sophisticated PPC strategies.


Free PPC Audit

If you already have an existing Google Ads account, we can identify problem areas and find opportunities for improvement. Our audit process includes a complete review of the structure of your PPC account, historical data, best practices, and advanced PPC optimizations.